Jessie Torres

Hello I’m Jessie

Hello! I’m Jessie Torres, a globetrotter and veteran with a rich tapestry of experiences. Over the past 23 years, my career in the United States Air Force has not only been a testament to my dedication and resilience, but has also fueled my passion for travel and exploration. Living in four different countries, I’ve embraced diverse cultures, learned from various perspectives, and gathered a wealth of knowledge that transcends borders. My journey has taught me the value of adaptability, the thrill of discovery, and the importance of connecting with people from all walks of life. As I transition from my service, I carry with me the insights and memories that will continue to shape my adventures ahead, making Life Beyond The Wire a continuous travel blog about escaping your boundaries.

I am not a professional writer or photographer, but I wouldn’t mind if it became a profession.  Social Media can sometimes give the impression that all I do is travel.  Please don’t fall for that illusion on my site, Instagram, or Facebook.  Overall, I just want to have fun with this and see where it takes me.  Come join me as I share my perspective with you.